Friday, November 3, 2017

What does Arch Red do?

Nowadays we are actually a company group, which consists of Finnish Internet Engineering Company Arch Red Oy and Australian security (AAA) software vendor Open System Consultants Pty Ltd. Since Arch Red Oy acquired Open System Consultants Pty Ltd, we have focused into developing products and services around Radiator AAA (authentication, authorisation, accounting) software as well as developing Radiator itself.

The Radiator products and services have become our primary focus and business. We have developed Radiator further, designed and implemented features, which make it even more suitable for operator and carrier use. This year we released our new NFV compatible Radiator product, Radiator VNF and have released already the second minor version (2017.1) of it. If you are interested about what Radiator VNF does, you should check this Good News from Finland article about us or see our Radiator VNF video in Youtube.

We do not post a lot to this Arch Red blog anymore, but you can find far more material and things what we do from our Radiator Cookbook blog.