Monday, May 31, 2010

Blogging at Terena Networking Conference 2010

You know that you have done too much Web 2.0 when people invite you to blog about events. This year I am once again participating in Terena Networking Conference and the conference organiser asked if I would interested to blog about the event. Since I am already hanging around here (currently in Juniper's meeting) and taking photos I accepted and here we are, part of Terena Networking Conference 2010 coverage.

To make sure that my time was efficiently used, instead of just watching presentations, blogging and drinking beer :) I am also both invited speaker, paper and poster presenter here, which should keep me busy doing those slides and later by presenting them.
My first presentation is about RadSec/RADIUS based roaming paper and the second invited one is about the Internet bus from Tampere, Netti-Nysse. The poster is about ICT SHOK Future Internet Testbed and I just managed to bring it to conference lobby before coming to this Juniper presentation.

And speaking of presentations, I really have to now upload some placeholders for compatibility testing purposes to the presentation system, so more coverage and even some nice photos about Vilnius will have to wait to the next post. Luckily they have a nice working eduroam Wi-Fi network here complete with both public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

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